Travel News For The Day !!!

Morning to all our international travelers. A latest news for the new day is that Oman announces 14  day visa free entry for tourist which is clearly state about the Visa on Arrival. The news has mentioned the list of countries who are under these requirements. India has not been a part of it. The […]

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Switzerland Sticker Visa !!!!

Presenting you the Switzerland Sticker Visa in 2023. Switzerland , one of the honeymoon destination country to visit. Switzerland is a central European country, home to numerous lakes, villages and the high peaks of the Alps. Its cities contain medieval quarters, with landmarks like capital Bern’s Zytglogge clock tower and Lucerne’s wooden chapel bridge. The […]

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Travel News For The Day !!!

The Latest update arrives that China has resumes it Visa’s for India Citizens from 15th March 2023 i.e today. The capital of China is Beijing. The Chinese government took this decision after 3 years due to Coronavirus Pandemic or COVID 19. The Pandemic has stopped the travel . Many country suffered the loss in terms […]

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Fact For Travel !!!!

Morning to all travelers , we are coming up with new Travel Fact for the day. Today’s travel fact is different . The topic isNew York was once called as New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam’s name was changed to New York, in honor of the Duke of York, who organized the mission. The colony of New […]

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Japan Sticker Visa (Apply in 2023)

Japan is a country in East Asia. It is basically located in the northwest Pacific Ocean and is bordered on the west by the Sea of Japan, extending from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north toward the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, and Taiwan in the south. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Japan’s […]

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Singapore Land Package For 2023 !!!

A new land package for the Asian country i.e. Singapore. Singapore is famous for being a global financial center, being among the most densely populated places in the world which had a world-class city airport with a waterfall, and a Botanic Garden that is a World Heritage Site. The land package includes the daily breakfast […]

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Introducing A Spain Study Visa !!!!

Starfish Travel Corporation , comes up with the new Spain Study Visa. The capital of Spain is Madrid. Study Visa provides the opportunity for the students who to get higher education in abroad. Spain gives the opportunity to get education in their university for Indian students who wish to study there . Those students who […]

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Common Travel Mistakes To Avoid !!!

Good Morning to all travelers. Travel Mistakes are very common while you are traveling in an international or in a domestic. These mistakes often give you the experiences while you a traveling solo or with your family. If these mistakes are not made . you cannot be able to realise while travel. Every travelers has […]

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Travel Tip For The Day !!!

oi A Travel Tip about monarchy’s in Thailand. Thailand , an Asian country which is also counted as the Travel History Country.  A tip which stated the strict laws for Thai Nationals and Foreigners. Mainly is is not allowed there for anyone to talk about the monarchy’s in Thailand. Igf you wish to study about […]

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Apply Study Visa !!!!

The Starfish Travel Corporation introducing a Study Visa for Portugal in 2023. Study Visa is basically a student visa which is a kind of official document issued to students to help them enter different countries and pursue education. It is a type of non-immigrant visa and any prospective student who wants to pursue higher education […]

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SFTC, also known as Starfish Travel Corporation is an IATA company, certified with ISO and registered with Goverment of India.



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