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  • Senior Advocate: India Needs Strict Regulation of Forest Tourism.

Senior Advocate Harish Salve stated during a discussion on the preservation of forests and Project Tiger that it is time for people to understand that we have never helped nature; rather, we have only damaged it.

“We Indians are a completely illiterate race. Tourism is necessary, but it needs to be tightly controlled. We can have tourists, but not to the point where it affects the availability of food for big cats. Strict guidelines must be established for when and where to permit tourism. I’m concerned that increased tourism in India could result in the total eradication of the nation’s forests, Salve continued.

Amitabh Kant, the CEO of Niti Ayog, Salve, and other leading environmentalists and conservationists discussed the impact of laws and individuals on the preservation and eradication of forests and biodiversity in India at the introduction of a coffee table photo book on Project Tiger.
The care of forests should not be left to foresters. Forests should be visited by people, but only to the extent necessary to meet their carrying capacity. Our woodlands cannot be used as picnic spots, Kant declared.

Environmental specialists and legal heavyweights attended the photo book’s debut. Senior Advocate Harish Salve stressed the importance of instilling a sense of “ownership of forests” among the people, concurring with Kant’s understanding of visitor conduct.
Source- Travel biz
Link- https://travelbizmonitor.com/forest-tourism-needs-to-be-strictly-regulated-in-india-senior-advocate/


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