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  • Emergency landing of an Akasa airplane in Varanasi due to bomb threat

After an Akasha Airlines flight from Mumbai to Varnasi got a bomb threat via a message on social media, tensions flared up at Varanasi Airport. The plane’s captain was informed by air traffic control about the bomb threat, and all applicable emergency procedures were then carried out before the aircraft was safely landed in Varanasi.

The plane touched down on a different runway, and the passengers got off right away. The jet was thoroughly searched by CISF troops for almost an hour. During the search, nothing was discovered.

Puneet Gupta, the director of Varanasi Airport, stated, “Everything is normal. The airport administration took all necessary precautions after learning about the device and checked everything, but everything was confirmed to be in order. This airplane was bound exclusively for Varanasi and had to touch down here. Yes, it did so as a precaution and on a different runway.

Source- Travel daily
Link- https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/bomb-threat-triggers-emergency-landing-of-akasa-flight-in-varanasi-101696041848545.html


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