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  • Bebo takes control of Goibibo’s social media

Kareena Kapoor Khan, a.k.a. Bebo, has been named the new brand ambassador for Goibibo, providing a brilliant example of two-way communication between a business and its audience. This revelation comes at the same time that Goibibo’s new campaign, “Hotels aise on Goibibo, full marks by Bebo,” and an updated social media persona are launched. The brand unites the brand and the brand ambassador like never before by incorporating cues from the actor’s most iconic performances and her name in real life into its own personality.

To support the announcement, Goibibo has also released a new brand film, using Kareena’s iconic character “Poo” as the mouthpiece, to give voice to the main character energy of every Indian traveler.  Goibibo’s Raj Rishi Singh adds, “We all have a main character energy to our personalities that becomes very noticeable while we are on our trip breaks. The brand uses Kareena Kapoor Khan to reflect this aspect of our personalities while also smoothly fusing the voices of the brand and the ambassador into one.  Our more comprehensive campaign addresses the changing expectations of Indian travelers as well as the rising standards set by all operators in the market. We are hoping that our viewers will share our enthusiasm for this new Goibibo chapter.

“It’s such a pleasure to be the new face of Goibibo, or should we call it “Goibebo,” remarked Kareena Kapoor Khan. Even after all these years, Poo has remained a fan favorite among all the characters I’ve played on television and in movies. It’s amazing to see how Goibibo incorporated such a cherished figure into their fresh, entertaining campaign. Being Poo once more, twenty years later, was a lot of fun and made me realize that every Indian traveler has a little of “Poo” in them. After all, who doesn’t want to have the finest vacation? What are you still holding out for? ‘Poo’ has already given her seal of approval, so why not?

Goibibo is steadfastly committed to upholding the highest standards, and its most recent campaign reflects this commitment. Bebo’s charisma, timeless appeal, and high standards are a natural fit for Goibibo’s objective to ensure that all accommodations offered on the site are genuine and that there is no disconnect between expectations and performance.  With Goibibo, one can feel secure knowing that “Bebo’s” approval has been given, whether it’s Poo or an everyday person.

Talented conceptualized the movie, and Dharma 2.0 produced it.

When we discovered that the Indian consumer wants to be treated like a key character from the movies when on vacation, it instantly joined the dots for us and gave birth to Goibebo, according to founding partners Priyanka Borah and Binaifer Dulani of Talented. Although the Poo character is well-known and has been used in a variety of ways, this is unique because of its excellent strategic judgment and memorable because of its familiarity in a novel setting.

“There is an inherent stickiness to ‘goibibo’ and ‘bebo’ that will stay in the minds of the audiences,” stated Punit Malhotra, founder of Dharma 2.0. Poo is a memorable character, and it’s an honor to bring back her classic sass in a fresh setting to communicate to the Indian people.

Source- Travel daily


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