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  • When Vellore Airport is finished, safety precautions will be examined.

The first part of the test flight conducted at Abdullapuram Airport with regard to signals and lights, according to the officials, has been successfully finished.

The long-delayed Vellore airport project, which would become the Vellore airport near Abdullapuram, Tamil Nadu, is about to be finished. On Wednesday, a high-level gathering was conducted to assess the security measures in the airport.

The project, which is being sponsored through the Udan scheme of the central government, is expected to cost 65 crore rupees, according to airport officials.

According to officials, the review meeting’s main topic was the security plans for the future airport.

According to airport officials, the inspection was conducted by a review meeting with representatives from the Vellore District Police and covered a number of crucial areas, including the terminal, passenger arrival and departure zones, the runway, lanes, and security gates. The review meeting was led by Deputy General Security Manager Vijayakumar.

Authorities had a joint meeting to establish the necessary staff for securing the airport grounds in light of the significance of state police in providing security for such small airports, according to officials.

The basic takeoff and landing signal testing at Vellore Airport was completed successfully earlier this week, according to airport officials, and preparations are being made to begin flying operations soon.

The specifically installed lights near the runway were subjected to a preliminary test on Sunday to determine whether they are visible during the day and whether the signal is received from the information control center and the signal tower, the officials said.

The officials added that the test flight’s initial phase, which concerned the signal and lights, had been successfully finished at the Abdullapuram airport.

The aircraft will then be tested after landing on the runway. We have requested authorization to fly the aircraft, they continued. They claimed that as soon as the authorization is granted, the flight operations from here will begin.

The officials added that as part of the preliminary testing, a test plane belonging to the Air Transport Commission was flown from New Delhi to Vellore through Chennai.

Five low-flying maneuvers were performed by the aircraft close to the Abdullapuram airport. According to the officials, it was examined by three people, one of them was a pilot from the Aircraft Inspection Unit in New Delhi.

A fire engine and an ambulance were also maintained on standby close to the airport runway as a precaution.

Since 2017, the central government’s Udan project has been renovating the airport at Abdullapuram, close to Vellore.

From here, small aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers will fly to destinations such as Chennai, Bengaluru, Tirupati, and others. It has an 850-meter runway that has been built for it.

Renovation work has already been finished on the airport terminal, freight terminal, information control room, radar equipment, signal tower, station office, and passenger waiting room.

Source- Hindustan times


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