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  • Launching a flash sale with 19% off domestic flights is AirAsia India.

Using the name AirAsia India, AIX Connect announced the beginning of a flash sale offering 19% off domestic flights. The promotion is valid for reservations made up until August 7, 2023, on their newly merged website with Air India Express, www.airindiaexpress.com. In addition to special member benefits on the airline’s website and the Tata Neu app, members of the Tata NeuPass Rewards Programme can earn up to 8% NeuCoins.

The sale takes place in conjunction with the airline’s yearly commemorations of “The Pioneer” JRD Tata’s birth anniversary, which include a number of on-ground, in-flight, and online events in his honour.

At airports and during flights, themed postcards will be given out by Air India Express and AirAsia India. In honour of the airmail carried by JRD Tata on his historic inaugural flight from Karachi to Mumbai in 1932, travellers are invited to write messages to their loved ones on postcards, and the airline has offered to deliver these postcards on their behalf. The postcards’ layout honours JRD Tata’s love of writing, as he is known to have penned over 40,000 letters in his lifetime. The postcard displays the custom font “Jeh,” which was inspired by JRD Tata’s handwriting, and an image from the Tata Central Archives of him sitting at his desk.

JRD Tata has a significant place in Indian aviation history because, on October 15, 1932, he personally piloted a single-engine Puss Moth aircraft on the nation’s first commercial flight from Karachi to Bombay via Ahmedabad. The livery of the airline’s aircraft, VT-JRT, dubbed “The Pioneer,” honours both this historic occasion and the beginning of civil aviation in India.

JRD The “Pioneer’s Picks” section of the acclaimed in-flight dining menu “Gourmair,” which is now offered on both domestic and international flights of Air India Express and AirAsia India, was inspired by Tata’s love of experimenting with flavours. The “Herb Grilled Fish Fillet,” a mouthwatering dish that features smoky grilled fish fillet with a special take on the traditional French velouté sauce, is one of the menu’s highlights at Gourmair. It is the ideal pre-ordered meal option for seafood lovers because it is served with creamy mashed potatoes and sautéed greens.

The unified customer interface for Air India Express and AIX Connect is airindiexpress.com. The airlines have changed to using the same handle on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (airindiax). Using a shared WhatsApp number, Facebook Messenger, and website, the sophisticated AI-powered chatbot Tia provides both airlines’ customers with 24/7 customer service in an efficient manner. In anticipation of the impending merger of both airlines, AIX Connect recently declared its intention to use the Air India Express brand by the end of the year.
Source- Travel biz
Link- https://travelbizmonitor.com/airasia-india-launches-flash-sale-with-19-off-domestic-flights


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