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Empty local train crashes, affecting traffic on the main line in the process

On Sunday, an empty local train derailed in a siding, causing traffic to be diverted down the main route to Karjat. As a result, main line train services between Kalyan and Karjat have been disrupted.
Rerailing empty rakes and resuming traffic are both goals. A Central Railway (CR) representative expressed remorse for the inconvenience caused to the passengers.

Among the trains that are currently being held up are the 18520 LTT-VSKP express at the home signal of Ambarnath station, a Badlapur local at Ulhasnagar station, and an Ambarnath local at Ulhasnagar station. The representative further expressed sorrow for the inconvenience these 3 trains’ passengers experienced.

The Badlapur to Karjat segment is operating, however the Kalyan to Badlapur section is halted working from Karjat to Kalyan in UP.

Source: mid-day

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