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  • How To Survive A Long Flight?

The duration of a fight can vary widely depending on a number of factors including the skill and experience of the fighters their physical fitness and conditioning the rules and regulations of the fight and the strategies and techniques used by each fighter in some cases fights can go the distance and last for the full scheduled duration while in other cases they may end early due to a knockout submission or other stoppage the duration of a fight can also be influenced by factors such as injuries fatigue and the overall pace and intensity of the fight overall the duration of a fight is difficult to predict and can vary widely depending on a number of factors however by focusing on physical fitness conditioning and strategy fighters can increase their chances of success and potentially extend the duration of the fight.

Here we will be providing you our top tips to survive long flights:

1. Stay hydrated:

To prevent dehydration and its negative effects like headaches, dry skin, and fatigue, it’s crucial to stay hydrated during long flights. So here we go..

  • Drink water regularly, before, during, and after the flight. It is recommended to drink at least 8 ounces of water per hour of flying.
  • Bring a refillable water bottle and fill it up after passing through security. Most airports provide water fountains for passengers.
  • Consume water-rich foods such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, and oranges to help you stay hydrated.
  • Use hydrating mist or facial spray to moisturize and refresh your skin.

2. Dress comfortably:

To survive long flights its important to wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move easily loose fitting and breathable clothes are the best option as tight or restrictive clothing can be uncomfortable during a long flight additionally it s a good idea to wear layers so you can adjust your temperature as needed airplanes can be either too cold or too warm and layers can help you stay comfortable.

Wearing comfortable shoes that are easy to slip on and off is also recommended especially if you need to go through security avoid shoes that are too tight or uncomfortable as your feet can swell during the flight bringing a comfortable sweater or hoodie that can double as a pillow or blanket is also a good idea as it can help you stay warm and comfortable during the flight.

3. Go with entertainment:

Bringing entertainment with you on long flights is a must if you want to stay relaxed and avoid boredom one of the easiest ways to do this is to download movies tv shows or podcasts onto your phone or tablet before your flight even if the airline offers in flight entertainment it’s always a good idea to have a backup just in case reading is also a great way to pass the time so consider bringing a good book or magazine to ensure that your phone or tablet doesn t run out of battery pack a portable charger or extra battery don t forget to bring headphones or earbuds so you can enjoy your entertainment and block out any noise around you if you re not into electronic entertainment consider bringing a travel game or puzzle book to keep your mind active by planning ahead and bringing entertainment with you you can make your long flight more enjoyable and less stressful.

4. Complete tv series backlog:

Watching your favorite tv shows on a long flight can make the time fly by to avoid any connectivity issues. It’s important to download the shows ahead of time. You can also opt for shorter episodes or movies to fit in more variety. Avoid boredom noise canceling headphones can help you focus on the show and create a more immersive experience however don’t forget to take breaks to prevent eye strain and fatigue you can stretch walk around or read a book to break up your viewing time by following these tips you can enjoy your pending tv shows on a long duration flight and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and entertained.

5. Pack a snack:

Packing a snack can be a smart move for anyone whether you have dietary restrictions or not by bringing your own food you can avoid paying for overpriced snacks on the plane and ensure that you have something to eat in case the airline s food options don t meet your expectations remember to choose non perishable snacks that won t spoil or melt and avoid foods that are too smelly or messy consider bringing a full meal for longer flights and don t forget to pack a water bottle to stay hydrated checking the airline s regulations beforehand is also important to avoid any issues at security with a well packed snack you can stay nourished and energized throughout your flight and arrive at your destination feeling ready to take on whatever comes next.

6. Complete your sleep schedule:

Scheduling your sleep during a long flight can be a game changer for your travel experience by taking into consideration factors like the time of day seat choice and sleep aids you can set yourself up for a restful flight bringing a neck pillow and eye mask can make a big difference in your comfort level and avoiding caffeine and alcohol can help you sleep more soundly don t forget to also use relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind and help you drift off with these tips you can arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your trip.

7. Explore flight inside areas:

Exploring the inside areas of a flight can be a great way to pass the time and make the most of your flight experience. From the galley to the lavatories, entertainment systems to business/first-class sections, window views to interacting with the cabin crew, there are many areas to discover and enjoy. By taking the opportunity to explore and appreciate the different aspects of your flight, you can create a more positive and memorable travel experience. However, be mindful of other passengers’ space and privacy and follow the airline’s rules and regulations at all times.

8. Make do to list:

In addition to the activities mentioned above you can also add some self care tasks to your to do list such as stretching or doing some simple exercises to keep your body active and prevent stiffness you can also use this time to catch up on some sleep or take a nap if you need it and don t forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol or caffeine which can dehydrate you and disrupt your sleep overall a well planned to do list can make a long flight more enjoyable and productive helping you make the most of your time in the air.

9. Write gratitude journal:

In addition to helping you stay positive during a long flight a gratitude journal can also have long term benefits research has shown that regularly practicing gratitude can improve mental health reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness and life satisfaction so by starting a gratitude journal during a long flight you may be setting yourself up for a more positive and fulfilling life in the long run remember to take breaks from writing to rest and relax during the flight and to focus on the positive aspects of the journey even if there are some inconveniences or discomforts along the way.


In conclusion, a long flight can be a great opportunity for relaxation, productivity, and self-reflection. By exploring the inside areas of a flight, making a to-do list, and keeping a gratitude journal, you can make the most of your time in the air and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and inspired. Whether you choose to work, read, watch movies, or simply take in the view outside the window, remember to balance your activities with rest and relaxation to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable flight.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is 7 hours flight bad?

A 7-hour flight is not necessarily bad but it can feel long and uncomfortable if you re not prepared some people may find it difficult to sit in a cramped airplane seat for that long while others may not mind it as much however there are things you can do to make a 7 hour flight more comfortable and enjoyable such as bringing entertainment like books or movies wearing comfortable clothing staying hydrated and taking breaks to stretch your legs with the right preparation and mindset a 7 hour flight can be a manageable and even enjoyable experience.

2. How do pilots handle a 12-hour flight?

To manage a 12-hour flight, pilots schedule more than one group member to take turns flying and resting. They additionally live hydrated and nourished, perform light exercises to prevent stiffness, display flight structures, and speak with air traffic manipulate and other team members. It calls for physical and intellectual stamina, powerful teamwork, and a commitment to safety.

3. Do pilots sleep during a 12 hour flight?

Yes pilots can also sleep in the course of a 12 hour flight but they take turns with other pilots to make sure that there is continually someone on top of things of the plane airlines offer relaxation regions for pilots on positive long haul plane where they could lie down and sleep for a few hours however they may be also required to live alert and targeted at some point of the complete flight.

4. What do pilots see while flying?

While flying pilots see a variety of things depending on their altitude and location they may see the ground below clouds other aircraft mountains bodies of water,cities and natural landmarks they also rely on instruments and displays within the cockpit to monitor the plane’s speed altitude and position additionally pilots may experience various weather conditions such as turbulence lightning or clear skies which can affect their visibility and flying experience.

5. Can pilots see in the dark?

Yes, pilots can see in the dark using the various cockpit instruments available to them additionally most aircraft are equipped with exterior lights such as landing lights and navigation lights which can help pilots see their surroundings in low light conditions pilots may also wear night vision goggles to enhance their ability to see in the dark however, it’s important to note that pilots must still rely on their training and experience to safely navigate and operate the aircraft in low light conditions.

6. Why do planes shake in the clouds?

Planes can shake or experience turbulence in the clouds due to several factors including changes in air pressure wind shear and the presence of storms or other weather systems these factors can cause the plane to experience sudden changes in altitude or encounter pockets of turbulent air resulting in shaking or bouncing sensations however turbulence is a normal and usually harmless occurrence in flight and pilots are trained to safely navigate through it.

7. Can pilots sleep in the cockpit?

While pilots are allowed to take short naps during long haul flights they are not permitted to sleep in the cockpit the federal aviation administration faa requires that at least two pilots be present in the cockpit at all times and that they remain alert and attentive to their duties to ensure that pilots stay awake and alert during long flights airlines provide designated rest areas for pilots to use during scheduled break.


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SFTC, also known as Starfish Travel Corporation is an IATA company, certified with ISO and registered with Goverment of India.



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